Still Here

Yes, I'm still here.  Blah blah children blah no time blah.

The G Man is just coming up to his second birthday, while The D Man is just hitting seven months.  Both are adorable, although D has found the resonant frequency of my ear drums and uses it to great effect when he needs to get our attention, which is all the time he is not asleep.  Fortunately, he sleeps.

The first six months of a childs' life are the most demanding, and mercifully, we are coming out of that period now.  We're getting little smiles (adorbz, I believe is the interweb term) and laughter and he is sitting up nicely now with only the occasional topple.  A horizontal perspective rather than just looking up at the fizz of the person currently giving attention or the light shade is one of the major steps to the wider world.

Such a perspective allows him to see his big bro coming, which is just as well as his love for his brother is.. heavy handed at the moment.  The hugs come just a bit too close to choking the poor little sausage and so we always have to be there before giggling turns to cries.

Both have their own demands of our time but the pressure is abating.  The podge that I had gathered this past year is now slowly being jogged back off again thanks to a little bit of exercise time in the mornings while they snore the wallpaper off the walls, which is just as well as I'm up for the Edinburgh Marathon next year - after missing out on London for the second time and having to skip York lest I did myself an injury waddling around.  Ms. Plants herself has managed to get onto the fat fighters regime to lose '3 stone by the end of the year' (of which 1 stone has already gone), so the challenge is on.

Unsurprisingly, the festival circuit had to somehow survive with only minimal attention but I have managed to see the odd film at Leeds this year, which I will get around to talking about soon.  No plantpots again, obviously as there are more awards than films.  Maybe next year it can come back.


Plant pot said...

Maybe next year it can come back.

essay best said...

It;s so true. Once you have kids, you just can't seem to get any time out for yourself. I've left blogging since my first one and it's been three years. But, got no time to do it anymore.